# -------------------------------------------- # CITATION file created with {cffr} R package # See also: https://docs.ropensci.org/cffr/ # -------------------------------------------- cff-version: 1.2.0 message: 'To cite package "corto" in publications use:' type: software license: LGPL-3.0-only title: 'corto: Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks' version: 1.2.2 doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa223 identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.32614/CRAN.package.corto abstract: We present 'corto' (Correlation Tool), a simple package to infer gene regulatory networks and visualize master regulators from gene expression data using DPI (Data Processing Inequality) and bootstrapping to recover edges. An initial step is performed to calculate all significant edges between a list of source nodes (centroids) and target genes. Then all triplets containing two centroids and one target are tested in a DPI step which removes edges. A bootstrapping process then calculates the robustness of the network, eventually re-adding edges previously removed by DPI. The algorithm has been optimized to run outside a computing cluster, using a fast correlation implementation. The package finally provides functions to calculate network enrichment analysis from RNA-Seq and ATAC-Seq signatures as described in the article by Giorgi lab (2020) . authors: - family-names: Giorgi given-names: Federico M. email: federico.giorgi@gmail.com preferred-citation: type: article title: 'corto: a lightweight R package for gene network inference and master regulator analysis' authors: - family-names: Mercatelli given-names: Daniele - family-names: Lopez-Garcia given-names: Gonzalo - family-names: Giorgi given-names: Federico M journal: Bioinformatics year: '2020' month: '6' volume: '36' issue: '12' doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa223 start: 3916-3917 repository: https://federicogiorgi.r-universe.dev commit: f959be5e3b41049f23ad93a255ee19941a2bb111 contact: - family-names: Giorgi given-names: Federico M. email: federico.giorgi@gmail.com